The Jungle Look

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Photography Workshop conducted at Hyderabad on 23 & 24 Aug 08

Feedback on the workshop from the participants:

This workshop was good. If yesterday was good then today was even better. Infact today at KBR park the instructor was really helpful and the level of interest shown to each individual is worth the mention. His instructions were simple, straight but very efffective when implemented.

I just checked the photographs that I took along with him and trust me, when he says if the basic photograph is taken well then the photoshop job is nothing more than a minute......

Sat morning, by 10 we started the workshop.
We had about 17 members present, half from Pixetra Club and the other half from Hyderabad Photography Club.
The others present there, was of course the instructor, Sudhir ( and the one who initiated this workshop, Judy, from Pixetra, Cochin.
The workshop started on a brief note, that you feel free to walk in and out of the workshop, to take your calls, including the nature calls. Then we got a preview of what all was to be covered.

By lunchtime, we had covered the basics, about aperture, shutter speed, ISO, Exposure, and how these work together to get a good picture, the reciprocity theory, the rule of thirds, and all. A very good and detailed explanation was given, with examples and basic self-explanatory diagrams.

After lunch, we dwelled into the most commonly asked question - How to take better pictures?

Sudhir had a good explanation about framing, what should be included, and what not, what should be avoided in certain pictures, how to make use and take advantage of the available lighting, if possible walking around the subject to get a better view and background for the subject, the blurring background, the blackening of background, the whitening of background, how to get all that done. A very good explanation for all this was given.

Then we ventured into the pictures sent by those who attended the workshop, and started talking about what should have been done to make the pic better, as per what was taught that day.

The second day was no less, if not better. We went into the park by 730am, and had a guide and a security gaurd at our disposal.

Walked around and on the way, Sudhir was talking to everyone, and making us shoot the pictures as discussed the day before. Having a lit-up suject with a darker background, having higher aperture, and getting a black background, making it look a serene picture. The day proceeded very fast, with soo much to learn and try out. I guess all of us present there, got good attention.

We came out from there, and went back to Lounge Habits, and started talking about the post-processing. This too was pretty insteresting, as his techniques were simple and easy to understand, yet, immensely transformed the images to look a lot better than the originals.

All and all, it was a very good event.

Few photographs from the workshop: